15 October 08:00-09:30Technium, Epicenter Stockholm

A joint breakfast lecture for a joint cause

 AjaBajaCancer together with HejEngagemeng invites you to their breakfast lecture on the 15th of October, discussing how we can help more people create the right conditions for increased engagement, well-being, and sustainable performances at work. 

*Note that this event is held in Swedish. 

Register today to secure your spot. 


Niklas Delmar
Grundare av HejEngagemang

Niklas Delmar, Founder of HejEngagemang,  will start with the theme 'The Power of Strong Employee Engagement'. Niklas will mix humor with seriousness and provide us with the most important key behaviors according to evidence-based work psychology research so that we can feel good and perform sustainably, at the individual, team, and organizational level.

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Ellinor Stattin
Founder AjaBajaCancer

Ellinor Stattin, Founder of AjaBajaCancer, will have a conversation about why these two organizations have chosen to collaborate to help more people create the right conditions for increased engagement, well-being, and sustainable performance.

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